Saturday, February 15, 2025

Project Title: Women Business Centre and Innovative Financing for Upland Water Management in CHT Project.

Name of Donor:  Funded by Aqua for All through United Purpose Bangladesh. 

Introduction: The main objective of this project is to demonstrate appropriate service delivery models for communal water supply services, and market-based approaches for household filters, to ensure sustainable safe water access by remote and low-income residents in CHT.  

The project will work with 7 established Women’s Business Centres (WBCs) (35 woman entrepreneurs) across Barkal Upazila reaching approximately 10,000 people across approximately 15 villages.

The project will construct and/or rehabilitate seven public water supply schemes, serving around 5,000 people, and additionally will take a market-based approach to reach at least a further 5000 people with domestic water filters.

These schemes will be managed by the WBC's, using a community-based enterprise model ensuring the financial viability under the supervision and oversight of the local government.

Duration: 24 months (15 Feb 2022 – 30 June 2024)

Budget: 3,36,87,419.00 BDT

Goal and Objective of the project:

Assessments undertaken to determine the approach and feasibility of the piped water supply and market-based approach activities

  • 5,000 people have access to sustainable safe water through piped water supply schemes managed by WBCs
  • 5,000 people own and use household water filters marketed and sold by the WBCs.
  • Water security through effective management and protection of water supply catchments.
  • Assessments undertaken, administrative requirements completed, and plans developed, to mobilize investments to upscale the project activities across target.

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