Wednesday, January 22, 2025

The project ‘Strengthening Maternity and Child Health Services Delivery for the marginalized community in Rangamati through Green Hill’ has been signed followed by a bilateral agreement in between UNFPA and Green Hill (GH). The project has been agreed to be implemented for the duration of November 2017 to 31st December 2018. The project aims to improve accessibility of maternal and family health services especially for the un-served and resource poor ethnic minorities to expand selected services in Rangamati through a cohesive network of NGOs in collaboration with GOB and community stakeholders.  This fact sheet covers progress information about the project for the duration of 1st November 2017 to December 2017.

Basic Information:
Title of the project: ‘Strengthening Maternity and Child Health Services Delivery for the marginalized community in Rangamati through Green Hill’

Duration: 1st November 2017 to 31st December 2018

Funded by: UNFPA (United Nations Population Fund)

Project status: Ongoing

United Nations Development Assistance Framework (UNDAF) Outcome (s):

Outcome 1: People: All people have equal rights, access and opportunities;

Outcome 3: Prosperity: Inclusive and shared economic progress;

Key Activities:

  • Establish 18 New Clinics/Midway Homes in CHT
  • Innovate emergency transport for Emergency Obstetric Care (EOC)
  • Strengthen existing 7 SH clinics as referral center
  • Repair/maintenance of 9 Upazila Complex to facilitate referral services.
  • Leverage effective use of existing resources of GOB, UNDP, and other UN bodies

The project will address facility delivery at the Midway Homes and will provide foods for the poor pregnant women during and after delivery. Transportation cost will also be provided and minor repair works at the Upazila Health Complexes will be done.

Geographical Coverage:

The project is currently intervening to 8 Upazila of Rangamati Hill District. It has been implementing project intervention at 8 Midway Homes and 9 UPHCs under Rangamati District. Detail locations are given below:

Table: Clinic location
Sl. No. District Upazila Location (Midway Homes) Location (Upazila Health Complex)
1 Rangamati Baghaichari Machalong Bazar, Sajek, Bagaichari Upazila, Rangamati Bagaichari Upazila Health Complex, Rangamati
2 Barkal Bushon Chara UP Complex, Bushon Chara, Borkol Upazila Borkol Upazila Health Complex, Rangamati
3 Belaichari Farua UP Complex, Farua , Belaichari Upazila, Rangamati Belaichari Upazila Health Complex, Rangamati
4 Jurachari Shilchari Bazar, Shilchari, Jurachari Upazila, Rangamati Jurachari Upazila Health Complex, Rangamati
5 Kaptai Barokhola Para, Raikhali, Kaptai Upazila, Rangamati Kaptai Upazila Health Complex, Rangamati
6 Langadu Atarakchara UP Complex, Atarakchara, Langadu Upazila, Rangamati Langadu Upazila Health Complex, Rangamati
7 Naniarchar Betchari Bazar, Sabekhyong union, Naniarchar Upazila, Rangamati Naniarchar Upazila Health Complex, Rangamati
8 Rajasthali College Para, Rajasthali Upazila, Rangamati Rajasthali Upazila Health Complex, Rangamati
9 Kowkhali No Midway Home Kowkhali Upazila Health Complex, Rangamati

Renovation of Maternity Waiting areas for 9 Upazila Health Complex (UHC):
The project intervention finds that, most of the Upazila Health Complex in CHT is old in structure and have very limited privacy facilities especially for pregnant women. Considering this situation, the project planned to do renovation works for 9 selected UHCs to establish a safe and well condition place and corner for pregnant mothers to ensure frequent and regular visit to hospital. By this intervention it is expected that trend of visiting hospital by the pregnant women to be increased. As per Annual Work Plan, renovation work is in udder process for 4 UPHCs and the rest renovation work will be in operation after competing first term.

Provided food to pregnant women through Green Hill’s Midway Homes (MHs) and UPHCs:
Green Hill has been providing only awareness building and technical services for maternity & child care activity at the MHs through another existing project.

Supplementary intervention with special focus to providing food for pregnant women has not been included within the existing project.

To inspire pregnant women to be under close observation and follow up services as well to meet deficiency of nutrition, this project bears food cost for the expectant mothers. This intervention is contributing to encourage and inspire Pregnant Mothers to accomplish delivery at MHs within close observation services.

Total 51 pregnant women have been provided regular food services at 8 MHs of Green Hill.  Besides, 36 pregnant women have been provided this food intake service at 9 UPHCs as additional support by the project.

Transportation facilities for pregnant women around ANC & 77 PNC services at MHs:
The project intervention finds that, some of the pregnant women do not visit MHs regularly for ANC and PNC checkup purposes due to limited transport facilities followed by geographical hardship at the project location. Following this findings, the project initiated to provide transport facilities for pregnant women to visit MHs. In this regards, total 349 pregnant women has been provided transportation support to receive ANC follow up and 65 for PNC at 8 numbers of MHs of Green Hill from November 2017 to December 2017.  By this intervention, it has been observed that the number of visits to MHs by expectant mothers has been increased compare to previous trend.

Coordination meeting with relevant stakeholders:
A coordination meeting has been conducted with Manager of MHs at Green Hill head office. All the Upazila Managers of 8 MHs has been attended in this meeting. The key purpose of this meeting was to share about project approach, modalities and working scope as well staff roles and responsibilities to implement project activities as per AWP of the project.

Lesson Learnt:

  • It has been observed that, number of visits to MHs by pregnant women has been increased due to transportation facilities provided by project intervention.
  • Providing food support at MHs contributes to meet nutritional need for pregnant mothers.

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